Palisade, creator of the risk software and decision analysis software, recently interviewed Greg Brink, VMS’s Director of Risk Management and Economics, in a case study about how we’ve used @RISK software to guide clients in systematically identifying, qualifying, and quantifying risks while effectively communicating their potential impact on the project performance, budget, and schedule.
“Many of VMS’ clients are looking to deliver projects, implement processes or produce innovative products in specific verticals in a volatile and uncertain world. To successfully complete such projects, they turn to VMS to analyze the uncertainty and risk that exists in various projects and to develop risk response strategies and action plans that maximize opportunities and minimize threats. In this capacity, the VMS’ utilization of Monte Carlo simulation through @RISK helps to support the decision-making process, as well as offer a more granular understanding of the nature of uncertainties being characterized. Clarity of the likelihood and exposures of risks can help to minimize delays and maximize efficient deployment of capital resources.”
Click here to read the full case study and see how VMS is innovating in the realm of risk management.