Shammara Estrada

Ingredients for AI Governance
Governing AI in Organizations: A Recipe for Success Throughout this series, we explored how to use AI effectively, then weighed its pros and cons, and now, we’re concluding with a discussion of the essential structure needed to support responsible and...
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A Jedi’s Guide for Balancing the Dark Side of AI
Strategies for Harnessing AI’s Unique Power In today’s galaxy, generative artificial intelligence (AI) can guide organizations in making decisions and automating tasks. However, like any powerful force, AI has a Light and Dark Side. While it spurs innovation, efficiency, and...
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Winning the AI Marathon
A Guide to Leveraging AI for Organizational Success A rapidly developing field, generative artificial intelligence (AI) is often misunderstood and misused, especially in the workplace. However, when implemented appropriately, AI can instigate worthwhile discussion and drive meaningful connection. As organizational...
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Workplace Telepressure
What Is Telepressure and How Can We Combat It? Imagine this: It’s dinner time, and your family is gathered around the table, enjoying a meal together. Just as you start to dig in, you hear a ding from your phone...
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Research Based Improvements to the Value Workshop Industry – Part 4
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Facilitation Best Practices and Temporal Strategies Thank you for sticking with us through the last three articles discussing the background, physical tools, and mentals tools for improving group facilitation. We finish the series with temporal strategies to keep your participants...
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Research Based Improvements to the Value Workshop Industry – Part 3
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Facilitation Best Practices and Processes and Mental Tools In the last two articles, we first discussed why and how facilitation has moved to include both in-person and virtual studies and then provided some physical recommendations for group facilitation. Now, we...
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Research Based Improvements to the Value Workshop Industry – Part 2
Facilitation Best Practices, Processes, and Physical Tools The world of facilitation has drastically evolved within these post-pandemic days. Going from face-to-face, in-person workshops, to stumbling through entirely virtual environments and back, the realm of facilitation has grown beyond any limit...
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Research Based Improvements to the Value Workshop Industry
An evidence-based approach to enhancing both virtual and in-person workshops The world of facilitation is fascinating due to the multivariate nature of the process. Focused research on group facilitation emerged in the 2000’s which set the stage to encourage future...
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Unveiling the Magic of Hybrid Facilitation
Why what happens behind the scenes has a direct impact on the success of a meeting As the world continues to adapt to new ways of working in this post-COVID era, hybrid meetings have emerged as a captivating act for...
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Three Leadership Insights into Psychological Safety and Team Success
Imagine the following scenario: You are in a meeting with ten other coworkers. Your team leader sets forth a plan for an upcoming deadline. The deadline is unrealistic, and you know it. You want to say something, but this team...
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