Ashley Carson

Infrastructure Week
Join us in celebrating Infrastructure Week, an annual event that highlights the state of our nation’s infrastructure. VMS has worked with clients across the county to add value to infrastructure projects of all sizes. You can see examples of our...
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Honoring Fallen Workers
Today, Caltrans is holding its annual statewide Fallen Workers Memorial at the California State Capitol. The event highlights safety awareness in work zones and remembers those who lost their lives building, maintaining, and operating California’s world-class transportation system. This year...
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Simple Questions Can Help You Find Value
When a child asks “why?” or “how come?” for hours on end it can be maddening for adults, but in the context of Value Methodology, it is precisely these questions that bring success. By breaking down a project or a...
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Eric Ho to present “Quantitative Risk Analysis and VE”
Eric Ho, VMS Director of Risk Management, is presenting “Quantitative Risk Analysis and VE” at the April 3rd Metro New York SAVE International chapter and IEEE New York Section/Consultant’s meeting. Be sure to RSVP.
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VMS’s Ashley Carson Earns Coaching Certificate
Ashley Carson, VMS’s Vice President of Organization Effectiveness, has earned her coaching certificate from the Hudson Institute. The Hudson Institute of Coaching has been providing developmentally based coach training for leaders for more than 30 years. Their International Coaching Federation...
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The Value of Authorship
VMS celebrates our authors.
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The Value of being Aware
Social engineering is the psychological manipulation of the natural human tendency to trust. Here are red flags to look for.
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The Value of being Vigilant
Phishing attempts have become more sophisticated. Here's what you should look for.
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The Value of Coming Together
The importance of coming together as a company.
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The Value of Thinking Before You Post
October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month and VMS would like to share some of the social media safety practices our employees use to help ensure the security of vital information.
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