On February 14, the Caltrans Value Analysis Program selected the I-10 Express Lanes Widening Project in Caltrans’ District 8 as the recipient of the Federal Highway Administration/Caltrans “Value Engineering Study of the Year” Award for 2013. This VE study, led by VMS, successfully satisfied and exceeded the criteria for the Award:
- Solving Problems
- Innovative Solutions
- Performance Improvements (improving public image, reducing construction time, expediting project delivery, improving operations, improving environmental, increase maintainability)
- Life-cycle cost savings
- Total cost savings
According to the memo written by Timothy Craggs, Chief of Caltrans Division of Design:
“With cooperation from the San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG), Parsons and Headquarters’ Local Assistance, the project will move forward with significant valuable improvements. The implementation of the six VA alternatives offers over $158 million in project cost savings (10 percent) while increasing performance by 14 percent. This results in an overall value improvement increase of 25 percent… The decision to implement six of the VA alternatives has a major impact on the delivery of the overall project. From pavement types to funding issues, the VA team and stakeholders used the latest innovations and creative funding for the project to move in the right direction.”
We couldn’t be prouder to be a part of this winning project and help advance Caltrans’ mission to “improve mobility across California.”