Renovate Bechtel Elementary School, Camp McTureous

Value Engineering Study for the USACE Japan District


Originally built in 1987 under the MILCON program, Bechtel Elementary was designed to house 600 students. Several facilities were added over the years to address enrollment growth. With current enrollment projections at 850 students, the aging campus requires renovation and updated systems as well as common and multi-purpose spaces typical of a 21st century school.

The DoDEA’s goal is to design schools that deliver student centered facilities for all learners that are flexible, adaptable, and support a variety of special types and arrangements. This $94.8 million DoDEA MILCON project renovates portions of the existing elementary school along with new construction to provide a contiguous, 148,000 square foot educational campus.

The design complies with the standards outlined in the DoDEA 21st Century Education Facilities Specifications. The accepted VE alternatives provide a 39% improvement in overall value, which represents the combined impacts of a 26% gain in project performance, over $5.7 million in initial cost savings, a $0.2 million decrease in future lifecycle costs, and a 9-month reduction in the project’s construction schedule.

  • OBJECTIVEValue Engineering Study

The Objective

  • Identify opportunities to enhance performance
in initial cost savings
improvement on overall value
month schedule reduction

The Solution

  • The VE study improved performance of the construction impacts, program compatibility, aesthetics, and maintainability
  • VE Team developed 18 alternatives and 15 design suggestions for project improvement

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